How to Play a Direct Role in Forming the Science-Policy of Your Country?


Science is a vast area covering every sphere of life and it affects all spheres of life. You should know more about science especially about how India is doing in this field.

The world is talking about the growth and development of science and technology in India because the country is doing fairly well in this field. And the credit for all the praises India is getting from the world goes to the endeavor the government has made to encourage institutions as well as individuals for research and development.

India Science Technology And Innovation
India Science Technology And Innovation

Let’s discuss the factors that helped India in developing its skills

The first thing to be noted is that the government recognizes the talent of its citizens and wants to provide every opportunity that could in any way help people in their research and development of new techniques to find new things and develop new skills.


It is the backbone of technology innovation in India. People are encouraged to search for new things in every sphere from agriculture to astronomy and from traditional engineering knowledge. Science is a vast area with immense potential to find and develop new things. It has already many branches but still, there are many things hidden from human knowledge.


The second most important factor in the growth of knowledge in India is funding that is available in a hassle-free manner. The government has grants under different names like startups and seminars and conferences for the meeting of minds. Also, funding is available for institutions and individuals. You can even get funding from international bodies.

Scholarships and fellowships

Encouraged with scholarships and fellowships, Indians are continuously raising the bar in India’s technology and innovation. They are exploring every area that falls under the knowledge. A scholarship is like recognition for a job. And giving a fellowship is like encouraging a person to pursue research work to get knowledge. Also, the government has been liberal with giving scholarships and fellowships.


The government provides comprehensive information on where the country stands on knowledge and how is it performing in the technology sector. People especially school students that are interested in science can get knowledge about everything happening in science. The government has a website to provide information and education on everything it is doing to encourage people to get knowledge.

Meeting of mind

The government of India website is like a platform for meeting of minds. It invites public comments on its science policy. It wants to know what people have to say about its policies on medical sciences and other fields. Anyone who’s an Indian citizen and concerned about knowledge can visit the site to post his comments. And the government will accommodate all the suggestions given by the people.

Advantages of the science website

1. Get the knowledge

It has featured articles about everything that is happening in the field of science. And this knowledge could be quite useful for school students preparing for quizzes and competitive exams. Also, the knowledge will help the individuals that want to increase their technical skills.

2. Funding

People with an entrepreneurial bend of mind and those that want to work in the field of knowledge can look for quick funding for their projects. And it hardly matters whether they are experienced or just starting their work. And it could be in any field like pharmaceutical sciences or agriculture or astronomy.

3. Participation

The website allows people to take a direct part in forming the science-policy of the country. If you have something to say, you can post your comment for the government to notice your comment.

If you are interested in physical sciences or any other branch of science, you should start your journey to acquire knowledge from the science website. It is only this website that can feed your hunger for knowledge, information, and education.



India Science Technology And Innovation
India Science Technology And Innovation

Written by India Science Technology And Innovation


The India Science, Technology and Innovation Portal (ISTI) is a website for data about developments in science and technology, & technology innovation in India.

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