How Has The Technology Innovation In India Change?
India is a vast country with quite a high population when compared to the rest of the world. There are several types of languages and cultures followed in this country. This amalgamation of the vast sea of knowledge has somehow led to it being one of the leading scientific powers in the world. This has also impacted the growth and accessibility of science and technology in India.
To further promote inventions and new initiatives, the Indian Department of Science and Technology has taken quite a few steps lately. Their main aim is to promote newfound research, attract the youth of the nation towards science, and improve the level of convenience of developing sciences and support international collaborations.
So far, this department has been quite successful in its endeavour and has been able to align its activities with the National Agenda of the Government towards Start-up India, Make in India, Swasth Bharat, Swachh Bharat and many other such programs that allow the growth of physical sciences.
It would not be wrong to say that these achievements not only have helped enrich the science background of the country but also its financial status.
That said, till now, there have been several inventions and patents made in India and for India. Further mentioned here are some of the more notable ones that have helped change the game altogether.
Some Inventions You Should Know About
Sugarcane Juice Extractor:
Even though not very well-known, India was among the first few countries to have a high export of sugarcane. Sugarcane juice is quite a popular drink in the country, mainly because of the hot summers here. These drinks are mainly sold on the roadsides and are very reasonably priced.
However, given the unhygienic way of producing these, there are several diseases associated with It, such as cholera and jaundice. In addition to that, there is not any machine that can allow you to juice sugarcane at home. Keeping these certain points in mind, Bachubhai Thesia came up with the idea of inventing the machine.
This machine will not only give you a chance to juice sugarcanes at home but also make them more hygienic and pure. This invention was funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development and was implemented by Gujarat Grassroot Innovations Augmentation Network.
Cow Dung Pot-Making Machine:
It comes as no surprise that cows are considered to be one of the most sacred animals in India. Most of the population derives several natural benefits like milk and cow dung from the cow. While milk has its obvious uses, cow dung is quite a beneficial commodity as well.
The innovators Paresh Panchal and Gopalbhai Surtia aimed to achieve the optimal combination of mixers of natural binders and cow dung, further making it more resistant to pests and strong. With this in mind, they created an Eco-friendly cow dung pot making machine. This is quite a feat in the agricultural business, helping mass production and lessening the per-unit cost. That said, the funding and implementation department stays the same as the first one.
Poultry Racking Machine:
Another great technology innovation in India has to be the Poultry racking machine. Racking is an integral step to ensure when it comes to the health and safety of poultry. However, because of the lack of labour, manual racking was becoming a big problem in the smaller cities and towns of India.
This was when Surebhai Narotambhai, who himself has poultry, came up with the idea of mechanising the whole process. After several changes to his prototype, he came up with a more refined and efficient model in the year 2008, and the rest is history.
These are some of the greatest feats when it comes to India technology and innovation. While most of the mentioned innovations deal with agricultural sciences here, there are lots more that help with processes in other fields.
Rest assured, there is no doubt that India will soon become the technology capital of the world at this pace. These endeavours are aided by the Indian Government and show promising prospects in the industry.
Irrespective of your work background, if you have an idea that will help the masses, the Government is ready to consider it.